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2023.02.15 |【観覧+配信】MTM presents STAY WILD MOON CHILD

LINE UP | TOW / 世古美月 / Moku

2023.02.15(WED) Door Open / 18:30 Start・On Air / 19:00


TICKET TICKET advanced ¥ 2,800 | door ¥ 3,300



URL coming soon

MTM Member’s Discount Code: 230201MR

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1) Sign in with using your email address.

2) Add the product to your cart.

3) Enter the member discount code.


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【About Stay wild moon childとは|About Stay wild moon child】

Stay wild moon child は Moon Romanticとの新コラボ・プロジェクト。毎週水曜日、厳選された音と、東京が誇る才能の数々をご紹介! 会場をほんのり照らす月明かりの下で音楽好きが集い、みんなで交わす月見酒… 今までくらべて少しキラキラした水曜日をご提供致します✨

In our weekly collaboration with Moon Romantic we bring you the cream of the crop of the Tokyo live music scene. Every Wednesday you can find More than Music posted under the bright moon of Aoyama. So if you are a life music lover you simply can't miss out on this series!

【演奏者|The Music】 


TOW rings traditional to the ear, the duo evokes the mystic past of Japan but uses accordion and acoustic guitar to do so. Contradictory you say? Well, nevertheless you will never feel as in touch with Japan's history as when a single tear rolls down your cheek because Nue-san hit you right in the feels with her esoteric voice.

Nue and Kai bring downright beautiful music and they leave audiences in awe wherever they go, so come and be awe-struck!

TOW は日本の神秘的で伝統的な音をアコーディオンとギターで奏でます。言葉の説明だけでは想像もつかない演奏に圧倒され、ヌエの歌声で涙する。二人の音楽は見る人全員を魅了し、日本の歴史をも感じさせることだろう。



ミスティックな音楽、ステージの上で放つ独特でミステリアスな存在感… 見る人全ての探究心をくすぐります。

MOKU is a band creating psychedelic ambience with elements of traditional Japanese sounds. It’s something you’ve never heard of, yet makes you feel “Natsukashii”. Their unique and mysterious presence on stage, along with their mystic sounds will leave you wondering who they are.


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