2023.03.22 | More Tokyo Music : Robert Taira Wilson - with Elliot Cormack & Kenta Hayashi

line up|Robert Taira Wilson /Elliot Cormack / Kenta Hayashi
日時 2023.03.22(Wed) 開場 / 18:30 開演/ 19:30
advanced ¥ 2,800 | door ¥ 3,500
MTM Member’s Discount Code: 230201MR
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【More Tokyo Musicとは|About More Tokyo Music】
More Tokyo Musicは Moon Romanticとの新コラボ・プロジェクト。毎週水曜日、厳選された音と、東京が誇る才能の数々をご紹介! 会場をほんのり照らす月明かりの下で音楽好きが集い、みんなで交わす月見酒… 今までくらべて少しキラキラした水曜日をご提供致します✨
In our weekly collaboration with Moon Romantic we bring you the cream of the crop of the Tokyo live music scene. Every Wednesday you can find More than Music posted under the bright moon of Aoyama. So if you are a life music lover you simply can't miss out on this series!
【演奏者|The Music】
ロバート・タイラ・ウィルソン、3月も待望の「Into My Arms」シングルリリース!
Join us for a very special night as Robert Taira Wilson hits us with a brand new single ‘Into My Arms’ at the Aoyama Moon Romantic.
2023 is shaping up to be a big year for Robert, with a brand new song being launched every month with us at one of the hottest venues in town.
【生演奏|The Music】
Robert Taira Wilson (ロバート・タイラ・ウィルソン)
Robert is an English artist, musician and songwriter currently based in Japan. His music fuses intricate, classically influenced guitar playing with modern alternative songwriting. He draws inspiration from a diverse range of genres and weaves together original and deeply personal songs.
Elliot Cormack(エリオット・コーマック)
The already incredibly talented Elliot Cormack from ENTRADA has grown more confident and sure with his one-man band act over the last year. We are excited to have him on stage again to share his growth as a solo performer! Elliot is a More Than Music favorite, that time after time leaves us wanting more.
Kenta Hayashi
Kenta focuses on the vibration of music. The vibrations he creates resonate with the natural frequency of the water in our bodies, 444Hz.
Kenta's live show is full of epic tension and release, big layered build ups and sparse breakdowns with trance-like grooves.
KENTA HAYASHI has been on a world tour throughout 2022, with over 200 shows and festivals through out the year. He visited 33 countries in Europe, the U.K, Australia, Asia, American, Canada, central America.
Kenta also produces electronic music as he travels the world, he records various sounds such as different languages, nature sounds and noises, samples those and uses those samples to combine the powerful energy of his live performance with the endless sonic possibilities of electronic production.